Welcome to Satkriti Foundation

At Satkriti Foundation, we believe in the profound power of compassion, service, and healing. Guided by the principles of integrity, empathy, and a deep sense of purpose, our mission extends beyond healthcare. it is a divine calling to uplift and transform lives.


Deaf Free India by 2047


Ear and Hearing Care to all


Our Core Value is Integrity

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Our Current Partners and Collaborators

Satkriti Foundation is proud to partner with organizations that support our mission and help us deliver critical hearing care services to those who need it most.

An Initiative to Raise Awareness about Deafness with the Book.

"Silent Epidemic: Unveiling the Burden of Deafness in India"

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Freedom from Deafness: A journey of connection and Empowerment

Imagine a world where every voice tells a story, every voice is heard and every person can connect without barriers. When we stand together to help people with hearing loss, we open up a world of possibilities. Your contribution can transform the lives of free deaf people and bridge the gap between their silence and sound.ред

Empower Souls, Make an Impact, Be the Change

Your donations directly fund programs that provide hearing aids, education, and resources to individuals and families affected by hearing loss.

Make an Impact

Be a part of the Affirmation for a Deaf Free India.

"Stand with the Deaf Community: Together, We Can Break Barriers and Build a World of Inclusion."

By supporting this cause, you are giving the gift of connection, empowerment, and equal opportunity to those who deserve to be heard.

Be the Voice for Change

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